Trouble transfering XML files to your remote

When you have added the XML files to the B&O Config Tool, and have added each product to the remote. Then it's time to transfer the configuration to the remote.


This is done under the "Finalize" tab in the B&O Config Tool. Here you just press "Download configuration" and if everything is ok, the configuration is transfered to the remote.


However.... you might encounter some serialization errors.... This is because one or more of your XML files are corrupt. I have made a lot of effort in trying to make the XML generations as error robust as possible, but there might be situations I havent thought of.


If you encounter a serialization error, then first look for the value "(null)" in you XML files... If you find this "(null)" value, then you have an issue with the commands for that product in the Beo5/6 ThirdParty Configurator. You then have 2 options.


  • You can just manually edit the XML files, and delete the "(null)" values and replace with an empty string. This is NOT the recommended way of fixing this error.
  • Edit the command in the App that has the "(null)" value in the XML file, and fix any missing values. Then just generate the configuration again, and try it in the B&O Tool again. This IS the recommended way, since you will upload the product to the server later, and then it should be perfect :)


The serialization error can also occur if there is a wrong combination of the BITS2/AltSigWhenReleased/AltSigWhenRepeat and RepeatSignal values. If you don't find any "(null)" values, then edit the IRProtocol for the commands that contain any of the BITS2/AltSigWhenReleased/AltSigWhenRepeat and RepeatSignal values, and clear these values. Then try generating the XML file again.